Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Week 3 - February 3-9, 2020

This was a different week, both because of my travel plans and because of my 5K race on Sunday. All in all, things went quite well...

Photo by my dear friend Laura, who was also kind enough to be my gear sherpa for this race!

Monday - Day off

Tuesday - 30 min bike w/ 10 min hard tempo
                 Poseidon Total Body Workout

Wednesday - Tempo: 7 miles w/ 3 mile Tempo pace
                      Atlas Basic Core Workout

Thursday - 45 min easy bike

Friday - Off, travel

Saturday - 4-mile easy run.

Sunday - 5K Race!

Run Details:

Tempo Day - I decided to keep the tempo run and cut the repeats, in lieu of the race. Felt really easy, since it was a shorter tempo than I had been doing. Nice to feel that it was easy!

Easy Run - this was a fun, light run in my old tromping grounds with a good friend. It was refreshing to have good weather and be able to wear shorts!

5K Race (St Pete Distance Classic) - this actually went pretty well. I had a solid 6:20s pace for mile one, and then slowed a bit. I was frustrated with my mentality for most of the run; I don't seem to push myself the way that I used to, and then I finish the race with gas still in the tank and no soreness. So I am obviously physiologically capable, but I need to work on my mental game for short-distance races. But this was a good baseline indicator of where I am, and where I can go in my marathon training. Best 5K time in 3 years!
Finish time: 20:55

Overall, I'm pleased with how my body is responding to the training and with how the race went. Now I want to focus on really dialing in those training paces, based on my current time, and keep pushing forward into longer long runs. Desired long run pace: 7:44/mile.

One thing I need to change: my strength program. I appreciate how Runner's Connect approaches their strength philosophy, but I don't feel the workouts are specific enough for my training. I am going to design my own strength routines moving foward, ones that combine the best of RC and the Bodybuilding programs.

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